Employee Retention

It has been proven that an employee is less likely to consider moving jobs if they are enrolled in the company pension scheme.

When we are doing our utmost for our clients, helping them when they are building their businesses, we find that we listen to many of the common issues they have. This results in us finding solutions to help solve some of these problems.

When an economy is approaching full employment, this can bring issues for small businesses. They sometimes cannot compete with some of the larger, multinational, organisations that can offer added benefits to their pay packages. This can include flexible working, job-sharing, pension schemes, Life Insurance, Healthcare and many other incentives.

It is often an employee’s main motivation to feel they belong – that they are wanted and appreciated by the company they work for. Should they be thinking:

Helping keep your Employee Morale as positive as possible has been proven to raise productivity. One of the best ways of doing this ( and to discourage them from checking the jobs market), is to show them how much you value them. 

Having a Pension Scheme, where you show you are willing to contribute into THEIR pensions, can be incredibly valuable. It has been proven that an employee is less likely to consider moving jobs if they are enrolled in the company pension scheme. We can also state from experience, when discussing with the employee and their family, how much a death in service Life Insurance Policy is appreciated.

There are other schemes we can build in for all or sectoral employees, including Health, Accident and Income Protection. Feel free to ask us for a chat.